Newsletter Week 10, Term 3
Year 12 Graduation
It was a moment of celebration, a time for contemplation, and a sense of culmination:
As the 2022 graduates of Rose Bay Secondary College gathered under the same roof for one last time on September 22, the atmosphere was electric as the ceremony began with a moving Welcome to country.
Family, teachers, mentors, and supporters looked on as 190 students received their awards, the students’ faces reflecting a mixture of hope, doubt, excitement, confidence, and uncertainty about the future. This was the moment where childhood was officially being set aside, and they were only just realizing it: This was the commencement of the rest of their lives.
Guests included Susan Wynn, Mayor of Woollahra, Allegra Spender, Paul Owen, Elise Waser, Kylie Biddle, Kara Mikler, and Officer Cadet Harvey Steele.
The main graduation speech given graciously by Allegra Spender, a federal member for Wentworth set the tone for what was to come. She acknowledged the fact that life is full of uncertainty and that it was OK to change one’s mind about what one wanted to do in the future, or even not know what choice to make But, she urged all students to give life everything they had and to believe in themselves, always.
The old gave way to the new as Tim and Nicola, the former school captains thanked the SRC and handed over to the new Year 11 leadership team.
Zara’s valedictorian speech which drew an analogy between the ups and downs of school life and six seasons of a reality show to describe the passing years of childhood, struck the right balance of humour and solemnity.
There was even a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem sung by the graduating class.
Christy Godby’s brief but honest contribution touched on the dedication and care that students’ loved ones have given them all these formative years and that behind every graduate was “a legion of confidantes, advisors, cheerleaders, uber-drivers, air-taskers, perhaps cooks, cleaners… and unflinching supporters.”
To articulate their gratitude, the graduates were encouraged to stand up as one and applaud their supporters. This brought tears to many a parent’s eye as the applause went on for a while.
The P&C were thanked and farewelled by the school principal Ms Melinda Bright.
Deb Stern and Maria Alonzo year advisors farewelled the students and were thanked by Taylor and Zara.
In a new tradition Year 11 music students played the song “Forever Young” as each student’s yearbook pages were displayed on the screen.
The music by the talented school musicians helped create the mood, starting with the foot-tapping opening song “Wake me up” proceeding to “Dancing in the Moonlight,” the nostalgic “Don’t you forget about me” used with the Year 12 film, and the cautionary song “Time” by Pink Floyd and ending with “We are young” and “Don’t Stop Believing” as the teachers made a joyous guard of honour for the students to navigate through to the exit.
And let’s not forget the celebratory cookies for the students engraved with “You made it!” “Class of 22,” “You Got This,” and “Dream Big!”.
As the ceremonies concluded and twilight turned into the night sky, the students, teachers, and carers mingled to say their goodbyes there was a sense in the Sydney spring air that a new chapter had already begun.
Ms Janaki Kremmer
Reading Program 2023
We are preparing to introduce a special reading program (Renaissance Reading) for Year 7 next year. It is designed to improve comprehension, reading rate and literacy skills. Students will be able to choose books in the library which are matched to their reading level, complete online quizzes and be encouraged through a reward system to progress to higher levels in the program. Our staff have been visiting high schools in the Illawarra (Keira High School) and also the Inner West. Below is a photo of Adam Harris, Head Teacher Teaching and Learning (Left) and Richard Brandt Teacher Librarian (Right) with the Teacher Librarian, Maria Sander-Burns at Burwood Girls High School. With Maria, the teachers were able to watch a class in action reading books and completing their quizzes.
News from the MEP
MEP relies on parent volunteers to operate and we are desperately in need of a new treasurer. If you can spare some time to help out please contact us via email.
Congratulations to Elliot in year 11 who was part of the Arts Unit’s State Senior Wind Band that performed at 'In Concert' at the Sydney Opera House on 29 and 30 August with guest artist Lior. It was a wonderful couple of nights with great performances all round. If you would like to be part of one of the Arts Unit’s weekly ensembles applications are now open with auditions taking place on 29 and 30 October.
Applications are also open for the Bondi Wave songwriting program with courses starting at the newly renovated Bondi Pavilion from Monday 17 October.
Library News and Reviews
The end of term three is now upon us and we wish everyone a happy restful holiday. Our Library is fantastically resourced and has over 2000 e-books available to borrow! So, there is definitely a book for each and everyone.
Have a browse, go to the My School Library Icon once you login and select from the huge range of fiction genres that are available, (adventure, alternative history, animal stories, Australian stories or literature, biographical fiction, crime, cyberpunk, dystopian, family sagas, fantasy, gothic, historical, horror, humorous, love, mystery/suspense, science, sports, steampunk, rhyme/verse, supernatural, utopian, war and picture books).
To all the HSC students study efficiently and remember many of the HSC resources are available as e- books as well.